What Is CBD?
You may have heard of all of the buzz around CBD and its many uses? We want to provide you not only with the purest CBD hemp products on the marketplace but also with knowledge and education so that you can be informed on the products you put into your body. If you are eager to learn more, take a look at our blog which has extensive educational material and is updated weekly.
CBD has been used in our society for thousands of years. Its multi-purpose functionality makes hemp one of the most versatile and beneficial plants on the planet. Our CBD is derived from a specific strain of industrial hemp. CBD is the second most prominent cannabinoid in the hemp plant, which has a variety of positive effects on our body's natural endocannabinoid system. Our endocannabinoid system has receptors in our bodies that directly interact with CBD and help bring our body back to homeostasis.
Introduction - Your Guide To CBD Oil
Cannabidiol, better known as CBD, is a compound produced by the cannabis plant family. Thanks to the passing of the 2018 Farm Bill, CBD has skyrocketed in popularity and is headed towards mainstream acceptance. CBD has gained such extensive exposure because it can be used in a variety of products from CBD infused edibles to CBD tinctures and CBD topical products. CBD oil is also gaining popularity amongst pet owners who wish to help their four-legged friends live healthier lives.
Let's dive into our CBD Oil Guide!
Table Of Contents For Our CBD Oil Guide
This guide should be looked at like the blueprint of a house, and it being the foundation. Numerous blog posts and articles are linked throughout this guide and can be considered rooms in the house that concentrate on a particular subject.
This guide will be broken into six sections:
CBD Oil Guide Section 1: CBD Oil Basic Information
In this section, we will lay the foundation for the house of CBD knowledge and build over the next five sections. We will discuss the basic information about CBD such as what is CBD oil, where does it come from, and how is it made. Some of the most frequently asked questions for new CBD users will also be answered.
What is CBD Oil?
CBD oil is a natural extract that is extracted from the flowers and leaves of the cannabis plant. It can be used in various ways for a variety of different purposes.
Broad Spectrum CBD oil contains CBD and a variety of active compounds such as cannabinoids and terpenes. When each of these different active compounds is present they work in conjunction for greater results.
Depending on the formulation of the product, it may also contain other beneficial compounds such as omega fatty acids, minerals, amino acids, and vitamins.
Getting to Know The Cannabis Plant
There are two main species of the cannabis plant family that we will highlight. These two species are cultivated for human use and consist of cannabis indica and cannabis sativa.
Sativa plants are taller and produce more fiber, and are therefore the species from which hemp cultivation is done. Indicia plants are much shorter and bushlike, and are less suitable for farming for the production of food or industrial purposes. These plants are instead used for producing medicinal marijuana.
Diving Into The Differences Between Hemp and Marijuana
Although Marijuana and Hemp come from the same cannabis plant family, they do have major differences that go pass just their physical appearance. Marijuana has elevated levels of the intoxicating compound THC or delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol. This is the compound in marijuana that is associated with a "high" feeling.
Because of its intoxicating attributes, marijuana is considered to be a "drug". It is produced for both medicinal and recreational purposes. The United States government considers marijuana to be a Class I controlled substance at this time. However, many states have chosen to institute legislation to regulate and cultivate marijuana and allow its use as a medicine. Some states have even made marijuana legal for recreational use as well.
Hemp is by no means marijuana. Although hemp does contain cannabinoids, it has minimal amounts of THC. In fact, in order to comply with federal guidelines, hemp must contain less than 0.3% THC to be legally cultivated. Hemp has been grown for thousands of years as an industrial crop used for fibers and textiles. Almost all industrial hemp grown for its fiber contains little to no CBD and is not a desirable source of CBD oil, especially if you are looking to experience the medicinal benefits associated with CBD.
Here at GoGreen Hemp, we use only CBD derived from industrial hemp that has a high percentage of CBD and no traces of THC, according to our third-party laboratory results. This allows our customers to experience the medicinal benefits without the intoxicating "high" feeling.
The Different Types Of CBD Oil
Since 2016, the CBD industry has evolved tremendously. This section will dive into the different types of CBD oil and compare their attributes.
CBD From Hemp versus CBD from Marijuana
Oils can be extracted from the marijuana plant the same way they can be extracted from hemp. Oil extracted from marijuana is referred to as cannabis oil. Extract derived from marijuana tend to be high in THC, and not as high in CBD. Such extracts still remain an illegal schedule I drug under the Controlled Substance Act (fun fact before the 2014 farm bill, hemp was also considered a controlled substance).
This guide focuses only on the CBD oil produced from hemp.
Overview of the different types of CBD
Hemp-derived CBD isolate products are cannabinoids in its purest form possible. CBD isolates are made by isolating CBD and then refining it to a high potent single compound product. This results in an almost pure dose of CBD. CBD isolates are mostly found in a crystalline form. A pure dose sounds amazing but isolate CBD misses out on the benefits that the other plant compounds provide. Isolate CBD can become an issue when it comes to dosing. With the other cannabinoids not present to balance it out, pure CBD yields less effect. In other words, the dosage must be specific in order to get the desired effect with CBD isolate products
Full Spectrum CBD Oil
Full-spectrum CBD, also referred to as whole plant CBD, contains everything that naturally occurs within the hemp plant. All of the plant parts which include terpenes, flavonoids, phytocannabinoids (CBD, THC (trace amounts - 0.3%), CBN, CBG, THCA, CBDA, plus..), vitamins, amino acids, minerals, and all other phytonutrients are present. Even if their content is small, when all the natural terpenes are present in the CBD oil with THC, this is considered Full Spectrum.
Broad Spectrum CBD Oil
Explaining Broad Spectrum CBD is relatively simple. It is simply Full Spectrum CBD without the THC. Broad Spectrum CBD is put through an additional extraction process to isolate and remove the THC while preserving the other natural cannabinoids and terpenes. Broad Spectrum CBD does not contain THC. With Broad Spectrum CBD, you get the "best of both worlds". You get the benefits of the "entourage effect" with no failed drug tests or intoxicating effects (being "high"). For those looking for a medicinal experience, this is the right option for you.
To learn more about the different types of CBD and which option might be right for you, click here for our blog post about the different types of cbd in depth.
CBD Infused Products
CBD-Infused can be used to describe either a product that has been infused with CBD isolate or a product that has been infused with CBD rich full spectrum or broad-spectrum oil. A properly labeled CBD product will specify in the ingredients what type of CBD is being used. If the ingredients include CBD isolate, that product is not full spectrum. If the ingredients include full or broad-spectrum CBD then you are getting a full or broad-spectrum product. It is important to know the difference because they produce different therapeutic effects.
List Of All CBD Oil Products
We understand that these terms may be new and slightly confusing. To summarize, there are a variety of products that contain varying levels of CBD as well as other cannabinoids and terpenes.
Hemp Seed Oil - These products, often found on Amazon, are produced from hemp seeds only and DO NOT contain CBD. To learn more click here.
CBD Isolate - Purified CBD that only contains CBD and none of the other beneficial naturally occurring terpenes and cannabinoids. These products typically are cheaper since they do not provide the medicinal benefits as a full or broad-spectrum CBD product.
CBD Full Spectrum - Oil rich in CBD and the beneficial cannabinoids and terpenes, along with THC (below .3%).
CBD Broad Spectrum - Oil rich in CBD and the beneficial cannabinoids and terpenes, WITHOUT THC.
Now that we know the key types of CBD and terms lets answer some of the most frequently asked questions by CBD users.
Frequently Asked Questions of Beginners
The CBD marketplace can be a little confusing and overwhelming at times, and can even be compared to the Wild West. There is a lot of misinformation and made up terms floating around, which in turn cause confusion among consumers, retailers and distribution networks.
Does CBD Oil Get You High?
No, CBD should not get you high. Properly produced and extracted CBD will not get you high and does not contain enough THC in high enough concentrations to produce a high.
CBD oil produced by some manufacturers can contain trace amounts of THC. However, here at GoGreen Hemp, all of our products are produced using a double extraction process to ensure all THC is extracted while leaving the other cannabinoids and terpenes intact.
Do I need a medical marijuana card or prescription to purchase CBD Oil?
No, CBD is classified as hemp and is readily available for purchase to all individuals who want to use CBD. Currently, CBD can be found in various retail locations varying from pharmacies to your local health food store.
How Much CBD Should I Take Per Day?
The ideal serving will vary by person, but we typically recommend starting at 20-30mg daily. Meanwhile, the range typically varies from 5 milligrams to 50 milligrams daily.
Can You Overdose On CBD?
There is no record of anyone ever overdosing from CBD. CBD is non-toxic.
Can I Give My Pet CBD Oil?
Yes, you can give pets CBD oil. Pets like dogs, cats, and horses all have a natural endocannabinoid system with CB1 and CB2 receptors, so they can benefit from cannabinoids as well. When it comes to pets, the dosage varies greatly and a bigger dosage doesn't always correlate with a bigger animal. It is a good idea to talk with a veterinarian who is familiar with CBD before you give your pet CBD in the form of CBD Dog Chews, CBD Oil Tinctures For Pets or CBD Horse Products.
CBD Oil Guide Section 2: CBD Oil & Your Body
Taking A Deeper Dive Into CBD & Other Cannabinoids
CBD, also known as cannabidiol is one of the many different molecules called cannabinoids that are found in the cannabis plant family. Cannabinoids are active compounds produced by the cannabis plants. They are the compounds that provide almost all of the medicinal value of the cannabis plant. Cannabinoids are technically called phytocannabinoids. Phytocannabinoids are very similar and in many ways mimic the function of endocannabinoids that are present naturally in all mammals that have an endocannabinoid system. These naturally occurring endocannabinoids sometimes have deficiencies, and that is exactly where cannabinoids, like CBD come into play.
What are Endocannabinoids
Endocannabinoids are naturally produced in our bodies and are signaling molecules. They are also called neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters are produced in the nervous system in response to various issues that can be occurring throughout the body and also environmental factors. Neurotransmitters interact with receptors found on the surface of cells throughout our bodies and are essential regulators that intrust certain cells to adjust activities accordingly.
The following analogy illustrates just how neurotransmitters work.
The brain doesn't connect with every cell in your body, just like a driver can't connect directly to every function within a car. In order to function, the car relies on various signals and warnings that can occur, these can be considered neurotransmitters. The car's frame and structure are similar to a humans body's nervous system which intrust a wide variety of sensors to keep track of every system needed to function at an optimal level. If it is determined that a system is out of balance, the nervous system produces neurotransmitters, which travel through the bloodstream and interact with cell receptors, letting you know that something is wrong and adjustments need to be made. Similar to a car having a change oil indicator or a flat tire indicator, the car's internal system (neurotransmitters) will alert the car (nervous system) and the driver (brain) will make the necessary corrections.
The Human Endocannabinoids System
Now that we understand how neurotransmitters work to adjust, let's take a look at the role cannabinoids play in supporting the balance within your body. Our endocannabinoids system is made out of three components; cannabinoids receptors, metabolic enzymes and endocannabinoids.
The "Endocannabinoid System" is a major system in the body that mostly consists of "endocannabinoids"(closely related compounds), their receptors, and a number of different types of metabolic and regulatory enzymes that have a part in the workings of the system.
The ECS said to be the "master system", is unique in its primary function and plays important roles in your body well beyond the process it's named for. Unlike other systems which focus on specific process within your body, such as your digestive system, the ECS works to keep all the other systems functioning healthily. To put things into perspective, the main goal of the ECS is healthy homeostasis; creating balance; help the body regulate itself at an optimal level regardless of what is going on around it.
The role of maintaining homeostasis is first and foremost for the endocannabinoid system. The ECS is also considered an adaptogenic system, which means it plays a role in how our bodies respond to things like anxiety, stress, and pain. It plays a big role in communicating directly with parts of the body like the central nervous system and the gastrointestinal tract. Essentially, your ECS is a key part of your body’s overall health and is found in all different parts of your body.
To learn more about the endocannabinoid system please visit our CBD endocannabinoid blog.
CBD Isn't The Only Cannabinoid...
Below you will find a list we have compiled of the various cannabinoids that can be found in the cannabis plant family.
CBD - is the second most prominent cannabinoid and is non-intoxicating.
THC - is the most prominent cannabinoid and creates an intoxicating feeling associated with marijuana.
CBC - Is non-intoxicating and limited research indicates that this cannabinoid has promising results in supporting mood and joint function.
CBN - Limited research indicates promising results in a better night's rest and joint function.
CBG - Limited research indicates that it is non-Intoxicating and supports mood and joint function.
THCv - Not as intoxicating as THC.
Terpenes - Aromatic oils contributes to the cannabis color varieties and distinctive flavors. They can play a key role in differentiating the effects of various cannabis strains. These terpenes can help promote relaxation, while others can help promote focus and acuity.
​Some of the most common terpenes include Myrcene, Pinene, Caryophyllene, Limonene, and terpinolene. Terpenes act as cannabinoids receptors and are known to modify the effects of cannabinoids.
What is the Entourage Effect?
Terpenes are extremely valuable assets in the cannabis plant. The overall effect that a user feels from using cannabinoids and terpenes is known as the entourage effect. In this case, both work together in synergy to produce a wide range of medicinal effects thought to be greater than just cannabinoids isolated.
More research is needed to determine exactly what role terpenes play, but at this time it is clear that when terpenes and cannabinoids work together you will experience a richer effect compared to CBD isolated.
CBD Oil Guide Section 3: Research On CBD Oil
After the 2018 Farm Bill was passed, the popularity of CBD skyrocketed. This was truly a monumental day for the industry. Four years before the 2018 Farm Bill was passed, an even more important Farm Bill was put into place. This was the 2014 Farm Bill. The 2014 Farm Bill allowed CBD to be researched by universities and other institutions to learn more about this cannabinoid and the medicinal benefits. The findings from these researches became the key to remove CBD off of the controlled substance list in 2018.
Many studies about CBD effects on the human body have already been published and can be found through various resources. We recommend taking a look at Project CBD to see exactly see how CBD might be a fit for you.
When it comes to specific conditions, we are not allowed to comment on what CBD can truly help with due to FDA enforcement on claims. However, the most extensive research at this time supports CBD oil for those who experience a particular condition (Northwestern Medicine).
What we have learned about CBD
CBD effects On Overall Mood
Studies suggest that CBD might manage mood stabilization through a chain-like reaction. Research has shown that CBD has an effect on levels of endocannabinoid anandamide. Anandamide is produced in the nervous system to stimulate serotonin in the brain. Serotonin is known to increase happiness and overall mood. The increase in serotonin can correspond to a feeling of wellbeing. At the end of the day it all comes back to the endocannabinoid system, and this is why it is so vital to keep your endocannabinoid system in equilibrium.
CBD Effects On Specific Conditions
Due to pending FDA regulations, no brand is allowed to say exactly what CBD can help with when it comes to specific conditions. We STRONGLY urge customers to stay away from companies that claim CBD can be your one cure to cancer, anxiety, arthritis and other similar conditions. Brands that make claims of this sort may simply be in the industry for short time gains and have questionable business principles.
CBD Oil Guide Section 4: How to Use CBD Effectively
In this chapter, we will dive into how to use CBD effectively. We will let you know what CBD consumption methods are available and discuss some of the factors that determine serving size. It is important to note that CBD is not a "one-size-fits-all" model and each and every person reacts differently. We will also discuss the strengths and drawbacks of each method of consumption and let you know which consumption method would be best in various situations.
How Long Does It Take For CBD Oil To Take Effect?
There are numerous factors that come into play when determining the amount of time it takes for CBD to start working in your system. Some variables are related to the actual CBD itself, while others are related to how the human body endocannabinoid system reacts to CBD.
There is no one size fits all model in CBD, since in human genetics no two people are the same. Therefore, no two people react to CBD the same way. There are factors that have to be considered such as, weight, age, height, and metabolism, and all play a factor when you consume CBD.
The type of CBD product you consume is one of the biggest factors when it comes to CBD's timeline effects. For example, it will most likely take longer for a CBD edible to take effect, compared to a CBD oil tincture.
As there is no definite time frame that you will experience the effects, this information should be considered as a general guide and will vary from person to person. Want to know how long CBD will last? Check out our latest blog post about how long does CBD last.
CBD Oil Serving Suggestions
The ideal serving of CBD depends on a variety of factors as well as the form of the product that is being used, the strength of the CBD, genetic makeup, height, weight and so on.
Almost all CBD products list a suggested serving size. However, it is important to keep in mind that the suggested serving size listed is generalized. As everyone is different, it is impossible to determine a single serving for each individual because there are variables that you need to take into account based on the individual. In addition, the serving size will vary greatly depending on why CBD is being used and what you are trying to accomplish with CBD.
The most important factor to be considered is that both serving size and duration of use work hand in hand depending on the reason CBD is being used. One might be using CBD to support overall wellness, while another can be using CBD to manage a condition.
Another factor to consider is the type of CBD being used. Full Spectrum and Broad Spectrum products reportedly work better than CBD isolate due to the entourage effect.
Given all the factors mentioned above, determining the ideal serving size requires time and trial and error. Taking too little may not result in the results you are looking for. Meanwhile taking too much might result in a waste of product with little to no additional desired effect. We typically recommend customers to start with approximately 20-30 milligrams of CBD per day as the baseline and work either up or down from there. If you are looking for a specific dosage by product, take a look at our blog post about CBD gummies dosage.
Bioavailability of CBD
Not all methods of taking CBD are equal, just like not all CBD is created equally. The effectiveness depends on various factors such as the method of consumption, ingredients and last but not least the bioavailability of the CBD by each method.
To understand bioavailability you first have to understand what bioavailability is in its most simple terms. Bioavailability of any active compound is the percentage of a given serving that ends up being available for your body to use. A bioavailability of 100% would mean that 100% of the CBD in the product is absorbed in the body. The only way to get 100% absorption is through direct injection through your bloodstream.
Every other method of consumption will result in some loss in bioavailability. This loss can be attributed to various factors such as becoming trapped in fatty tissue or metabolized before it has a chance to enter the bloodstream.
Each method of consumption of CBD has a particular range of bioavailability. We will discuss these factors and will break down the bioavailability of each type of product.
Ways To Take CBD Oil
In this section, we will breakdown the various ways to take CBD oil and the pros and cons of each, in hopes of helping you choose the right product for you.
Numerous factors should be considered when determining the right CBD product. Your lifestyle, the reason you are taking CBD oil, and the timing in which you would like the CBD to work should all be considered.
CBD Oil Tinctures
CBD tinctures are arguably the most popular way of consuming CBD products. These tinctures are generally used in the morning and night, and come in a variety of flavors and strength levels. One major perk of taking CBD oil tinctures is that you can easily and effectively change your dosage based on the results you are experiencing. Also when using CBD oil tinctures with carriers like MCT Oil, they have enhanced effects due to the properties of an MCT carrier oil.
The downside of CBD oil tinctures is that they don't travel as well as other products. These tinctures can get a little messy and like anything glass, the bottle can break.
CBD Topical Products
CBD topical products include CBD skin creams, CBD balm salves, CBD massage oil, and CBD lip balms. Using A CBD topical product with added secondary ingredients might render enhanced effects which might contribute to overall effectiveness.
Topical CBD products such as CBD Balm Salves, are amazing for targeted areas of discomfort. You are able to target the exact area of discomfort. Topical products are meant to be used for external issues that you may be experiencing. They deliver CBD and other ingredients directly into your skin.
Downsides of CBD topical products are they take time to apply and can be a little messy. If you are looking for a mess-free topical CBD product we highly recommend the CBD stick. It is important to note that CBD topicals are intended for target use. Meaning, the entire body on which it they are applied will be affected and not the entire body. This is because unlike oral or inhalation methods where CBD goes throughout your endocannabiniod system and affects the entire body, CBD topical products will only be absorbed through the specific surface area where it is applied, and not spread through the body. If you want the CBD to target a specific area of discomfort, then CBD topical products are the right products for you.
Did you know that you can also add CBD into your massage wellness routine? Including CBD into your next massage is a must. To learn more about the added benefits please read our blog about CBD massage oil.
CBD Edibles
CBD edibles are incredibly popular for first time CBD users. Edibles are relatable because CBD edibles can be found in nearly every version of your favorite sweet. It is important to note that not all CBD edibles are the same. We ALWAYS urge customers to ensure that their CBD Edibles are infused, never dipped sprayed or coated. When CBD edibles are dipped, sprayed or coated you truly do not know how much CBD you are getting with each serving. When CBD is infused you know that the dosage will be spot on each and every time. Customers are urged to always look at third party test results to ensure the potency is correct on the unit being consumed.
CBD edibles are great "on the go" and for traveling because of the ease of use and durability. However, edibles should not be left exposed to direct sunlight or extreme heat because they will melt.
One downside of using edibles is that CBD can be lost through your digestive tract, lowering their bioavailability.
Our Suggestions When Taking CBD Oil
Choose A Product
We always recommend choosing one product to start with to figure out the effectiveness on your body and determine the right serving size for you. If you continuously switch back and forth between products, determining the right serving size and product will be much tougher.
Start Low & Go Up
We always recommend starting at a low dosage and serving size and go up from there. This gives you a chance to determine your body's reaction to CBD. We typically recommend starting anywhere between 20-30mg daily and increase or decrease based on the results you experience.
Increase Serving Slowly
If you are experiencing results, but not at the level you desire, we recommend doubling your serving. Each time you increase the dosage we recommend waiting a few days to take note of how your body feels.
Lifestyle Considerations
Your lifestyle is a factor in which product will be the right one for you. If you are often "on the go" or traveling, we recommend either our oil tinctures or edibles, as they are not messy and easy to travel with. If you would prefer to not consume CBD, then using CBD topical products would be best.
Use Considerations
Certain ways of taking CBD can yield better results than others based on what you are trying to achieve. For example, CBD topical would be best for targeted relief whereas, CBD watermelon cubes for whole body desired effects.
Time Considerations
Different methods of use have a different timeline effect. For example, edibles can take over an hour to to be effective, while vaping or inhaling CBD can yield results almost instantly.
Serving Considerations
Another factor that must be taken into consideration is your serving needs. If you are looking for an easy way to gauge a definite amount of CBD that you would like to take, CBD softgels are the best option. If you are looking for more flexibility, CBD oil tinctures would be ideal.
CBD Oil Guide Section 5: How To Navigate The Marketplace
Navigating the CBD marketplace can be a little overwhelming at first, but a little help goes a long way. In this section, we will discuss where to buy CBD oil, how to ensure the right amount of CBD oil in your products, and things to look out for in the marketplace when purchasing CBD products.
Where To Buy CBD Oil?
Now that you understand what CBD is and how it can be used, your next question may be "where to buy CBD oil"? You can find CBD oil online, at dispensaries, local pharmacies, local food stores, and even some chain stores.
Due to quality control, there are some drawbacks when purchasing CBD oil at retail locations. Many retailers purchase products from external extractors who do not have Certificate of Authentication or lab reports and purity analysis, or simply do not understand the products they are selling.
When you purchase CBD oil directly from CBD companies that provide authentic information about their manufacturing process and third party laboratory results, you can be at ease about getting high-quality CBD oil.
How To Ensure Your CBD Oil Contains The Right Amount
Another important question for beginners is how much CBD are you actually getting?
Any CBD product you purchase should have the amount of CBD on the front of the bottle, often ranging from 100mg to 7000mg. This number is not the amount you get per serving. It is the total amount of CBD in the product.
You can easily calculate how much CBD you will get per serving by dividing the total milligrams listed on the front of the bottle by the number of servings in the bottle.
What is equally important is the manufacturing practices of the product in the bottle. Reputable brands source their oil from domestic farms who use organic farming practices.
To learn more about the GoGreen Hemp manufacturing process please visit our CBD process page.
Buyers Beware
The CBD industry is not regulated and at times is referred to as the "Wild West". Before you buy CBD online or in-store, be informed. sure to keep an eye out for these factors.
Amazon "CBD" Products - It is NOT advisable to purchase CBD products from Amazon vendors. Amazon does NOT allow the sale of hemp-derived CBD products. Meanwhile companies are on Amazon selling hemp seed oil/hemp oil, marketed as hemp derived CBD oil. HEMP OIL/HEMP SEED OIL, is NOT CBD oil.
"Free trial bottle - just pay shipping" - Beware of companies who offer "free trial bottles". These companies are reportedly scam companies who capture your credit card information and enroll you into a "CBD club" without your authorization, forcing you to incur monthly charges. Avoid these scams.
Miracle Drug Claims - Be wary of a CBD brand that has claimed their products have heal or cure anxiety, arthritis or any other condition. These companies are simply violating FDA policies about making claims. Thus far, there no studies that show or prove that CBD can cure or heal disease. Researches have only noted promising results of how effective CBD can be. If they are willing to ignore FDA compliance in an effort to gain profits, can they be trusted to bring you quality products from organic farm practices?
Selling On Social Media - When buying CBD from social media outlets, there is no certainty or guarantee of the product you will get. In addition, there a lot of multi-level marketing companies using these outlets to advertise high-quality CBD products, but in reality have little to no quality assurance or CBD in their products.
No Third-Party Laboratory Results - Much like the social media issues, anyone can claim to sell CBD Oil. Before purchasing any products always make sure third party laboratory results are posted publicly and are up to date. Without these test results, there is no way to ensure your products are THC-free and test free of heavy metals.
Properly Labeled Products - Mislabeling is a major issue in the CBD industry. Here are a few of things to look for prior to purchasing any CBD product. Every label should have the total amount of CBD per bottle, servings per container, serving size, ingredient list, customer service number on the bottle, and a company name and address. To learn more about what to look for on CBD labels please read our How To Read CBD Labels blog post.
Customer Service - You always want to make sure you order from companies who have customer service easily accessible via phone, email or chat. If you cannot reach a company's customer service, how can you rely on them to produce a quality product or answer questions about the product or your concerns?
CBD Oil Guide Section 6: Getting Started With CBD Oil
How To Buy Quality CBD
The CBD market is flooded with brands and companies. Unfortunately, not all CBD companies are transparent with their customers. Many companies in the industry are trying to capitalize on the "CBD trend" just for profit. Many of them will "cut corners" to maximize profits. This oftentimes leads to a definite loss in product quality and safety. Since the CBD industry is currently unregulated, there are companies in the industry that are selling so-called "CBD Products" that contain little to no CBD(Hemp seed oil).
Like any product you put in or on your body, quality should be a priority. After-all you only have one body, you should not contaminate it with "junk" products. You need a trusted brand that makes CBD oil products that are rich in natural CBD and terpenes.
There have been studies done by numerous groups that found that a majority of CBD products do not contain the amount of CBD labeled on the product. Below you will find a list of the studies:
With so many brands flooding the market with new products, it is extremely difficult to know where to find high-quality CBD oil.
How to Identify A Reputable CBD Company
There are a few factors to take into consideration when searching for the right CBD brand for you. This includes but is not limited to the source of the hemp, extraction method used, nano-emulsion technology, quality of other ingredients, and transparency.
A reputable company will have all of this information publicly available for you to view. If you cannot find this information you can also reach out to find out these answers. If a company cannot provide you with this information, it may be a good idea to look into buying from another company. There are plenty of companies in the industry doing things the right way.
Hemp Sourcing - Hemp is farmed all over the world, the United States of America just started allowing cultivation in 2014, and has quickly grown to be one of the world's most reputable supply sources. It is vital to understand that not all hemp is created equally. We always urge you to make sure all raw hemp is coming from the United States, where quality standards are extremely high. We urge customers to stay away from hemp grown overseas, especially in areas such as China where quality standards are far lower. Hemp produced in China oftentimes is made from industrial hemp that is not rich in cannabinoids and terpenes and grown using harsh pesticides and heavy metals.
Quality Above All - When purchasing CBD products you should never settle on one aspect of quality. Quality starts from plant cultivating but most certainly does not end there. It is important to note the extraction method used as well. Shop for CBD products that use a CO2 extraction method which is both safe and efficient. It is wise to look for full panel testing to ensure that there is no use of harsh heavy metals, solvents, microbials, and pesticides. If you see any levels that are not acceptable on these test results, look for another source.
Transparency Is A Must - Trust comes from transparency. Here at GoGreen Hemp we take pride in transparency. That's why we publicly post our manufacturing standards and all of our third-party test results and full panel analysis so you can see exactly what is in your product. We also use an elaborate batch testing system that ensures what is on the label is what is in your bottle or container.
Finding A Trusted Manufacturer
Another way you can narrow down your list of reputable suppliers is to simply do a google search on the brand you are considering or by reading their customer review page. Look at review sites that only allow reviews from customers who have actually purchased products.
Synthetic Cannabinoids
You may have heard of synthetic cannabinoids in the news. Some of these products have left customers feeling extremely ill. Synthetic CBD is CBD that is produced in a lab instead of being extracted from the hemp plant. These products can be very harmful. To learn more synthetic cannabinoids, please click here.
CBD Oil Guide Conclusion: Choose A Reputable Company & Stick With Them
Finding the right product and a quality CBD brand is a must. Once you choose a trusted brand and product, continue to use that brand and product so that you can determine how effective the product is and also have a company that is accessible.
We hope you review GoGreen Hemp and consider us when choosing your "go-to" CBD brand. We only use hemp plants that are organically grown here in the United States and a supercritical Co2 extraction to ensure both potency and purity. All of our products go through rigorous quality assurance to ensure each and every product that has the GoGreen hemp logo meets our GoGreen Hemp Gold Standard and commitment to quality, transparency, pricing, and education.
Please explore our online CBD shop to see all of the THC-Free Broad Spectrum CBD products we have to offer!
What Our Customers Say
Go Green Hemp is by far the best CBD business I have ever dealt with. It is so wonderful to find a company that has their act together, ships even more quickly than on time, adds little extra gifts, and has such a wide range of products. God bless Go Green!
