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Can CBD Help You Quit Smoking?

Updated: Dec 17, 2020

Did you know that every year, more than 480,000 people die in the United States (U.S.) due to tobacco-related diseases? In fact, it is estimated that 1 out of 2 smokers will die of tobacco-related issues.

 Smoking actually tends to cause more deaths than:

Alcohol Use

Firearm-Related Incidents


Illegal Drug Use

Motor Vehicle Incidents

And yet over 34.3 million Americans over the age of 18 are tobacco users. So why is it so hard for consumers to give up smoking? Nicotine. Nicotine stimulates the release of dopamine, a molecule known to give a “bliss” effect, a powerful neurotransmitter playing in the pleasure circuits of the brain. A brain addicted to nicotine constantly craves nicotine so that more dopamine will be released and give it those intensely pleasurable sensations again. The addicting properties of nicotine are exactly what makes it so dangerous. The introduction of E-Cigarettes created quite a buzz in the tobacco industry; however, due to all the negative risks, consumers have started to replace this with CBD.

What is CBD?

For those that are not aware Cannabidiol or CBD is a non-psychoactive (non-intoxicating) component of the cannabis plant. Unlike marijuana, CBD will not result in a feeling of euphoria. And unlike Nicotine, CBD is not deadly, in fact, it has been known to have a long list of benefits. Over the past years, numerous studies have highlighted the potential of CBD. CBD has been recognized for its benefits on human and animal health.

The Many Forms of Taking CBD

CBD-rich cannabis oil products can be taken sublingually, orally, or applied topically. Concentrated cannabis oil extract can also be heated and inhaled with a vape pen. Using inhalation is a good method, as effects can be felt within a minute or two. The effects of orally administered CBD-rich oil can last for hours, but the onset effects are much slower than inhalation.

How CBD Can Help With Nicotine Addiction:

As any smoker knows, quitting is easier said than done. However, recent studies have shown that CBD might be able to reduce the urge to smoking and help alleviate some of the withdrawal symptoms that occur when an individual quits smoking. CBD has been said to have stress-relieving properties as well as anti-inflammatory properties. These benefits help with the stress the body undergoes and the symptoms of other ailments.

For more information about CBD and its uses please feel free to email

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