The Wholesale Process From Start To Finish With GoGreen Hemp
Our mission is to spread the potential benefits of CBD to as many people as possible. Our wholesale partners are one way we can accomplish this mission. We believe in those who partner with us and are dedicated to making our wholesale process as easy and smooth as possible.
One of the many ways we support our wholesale partners is by making the start-up process simple and upfront. Here is all you need to know about starting a CBD wholesale account with GoGreen Hemp today, starting from step one.
Step One: See if GoGreen Hemp is The Right Partner For You.
In the CBD industry, there is no, one size fits all model. We want any interested partner to research our brand and company to see what we stand for. Take some time to learn about our business practices, product line and about why we do what we do daily. Take a look at our lab results and go through our educational material. If you like what you see, we are here to move forward with you, continue to step two.
Step Two: Apply To Be A Wholesale Partner
Fill out our short CBD wholesale application to apply to our wholesale program. In this application, you will be able to tell us which products you are interested in and a little more information about your business. Our team will reach out to you within 24 hours to see if GoGreen Hemp would be a good partner. Once you have been accepted, continue to page three.
Step Three: Receive Your Wholesale Password
Once accepted, you will receive the password to our wholesale portal which will give access to the most competitively priced pure broad-spectrum CBD products on the marketplace. Please save this password because you will use it every time to access our online wholesale website. You can also place orders via phone or email if these are your preferred methods of ordering.
Step Four: Shop
Once you have our online website portal you will be able to leisurely browse and add products directly to your cart. You will also find collection pages for both samples and retail marketing (tri-folds, table tents, posters, etc.) which you can also add to your cart with ease. While we do have a Minimum purchase amount, we do not have a minimum quantity. This means you could order a various amount of products that do not have to be case counts. You will have the option to decide how many of each product you would like at any given time.
Step Five: Place Your Order
Once you have decided which products will work best for your demographic, simply checkout and pay on our wholesale portal. This wholesale portal was built with you in mind, to give you the flexibility to order at any hour of the day. ​Don't forget to add in the free retail marketing as well!
Step Six: Keep In Touch
Once you receive your order, you are ready to sell. However, this does not mean that our partnership is over. We are here to provide any support we can. We have various marketing programs in place to give your storefront more exposure. Simply reach out to your account representative and they will be able to let you know which options we have. We also have larger discounts available for volume sellers, to inquire about this discount simply reach out to us at
Ready to get started? Fill out our CBD application today to get in touch with our wholesale team.